Our head coach Peteris Cimanis is verry satisfied of the work they have done in international training week in Sochi.
'' The athletes have tried the inventory and there is some clarity on what fits in and who should be here. Compare our performance with other teams will be hard and unfair, because all the teams were divided into groups. Each group slide in his time, which means that each group had its own ice quality. We were in the group with Austrians and Canadians. If we compare ourselfs with these teams, then we are almost on the same position. Of our team can be commended Artūrs Dārznieks who is much better this year. Two brothers (Sics/Sics) are in perfect shape when compared to the Austrian Olympic double. Girls are also at their best level,'' says Peter.
This was the last chance to test the track before the Sochi XXII Winter Olympic Games which will take place in February next year.
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