Children and Youth luge sport school

Children and Youth luge sport school (CYLSS) is the only such kind of school in Republic of Latvia, which recruits new talents and prepares them for one of the most popular and perspective winter sports in Latvia- sport of luge. The location of our academic institution is not randomly chosen, because the most unique athletic building is located in Sigulda- Sigulda bobsleigh and luge track. Such athletic facility, which allows citizens of Latvia to watch world class competitions every year, puts some responsibilities as well. These responsibilities doesn't stop by race organizational- material provision and maintenance of the facility.

First obligation is to take care of the new generation, recruit the most perspective children, consistent training in order to continue tradition and affirm our luge athletes sliding capabilities.

Our responsibility is to make sure that every young talent had favourable training conditions, had the chance to learn and develop as an athlete and as a person morally and intellectually.

As of today the most noticeable trends in luge are speed and its development. Therefore, engineers are looking for the best metal, ointments and best angle for the runners. Not less important is the learning process and methods that were used to achieve the best possible results. Therefore, in 1995 with the lead of Ministry of Education and Science Latvian Children and Youth luge sport school was founded which task is to raise new, emerging Olympians in luge.

With the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 299 of 26.12.2009. Ministry of Education and Science Latvian Children and Youth specialized luge sport school is reorganized as the Murjanu Sports gymnasium unit "Children and Youth luge sport school."

School attendees are children and youth up to 25 years and who are doing luge. There are 57 children and youth athletes from Latvia who are doing luge. 6 coaches are involved in their development. Many national team athletes had been raised here and they were successful enough to earn medals on international level.

Sports school implements sport of luge professionally oriented education program.
Sports school, subject to the law of professional education requirements set by Ministry of Education organizes the work of the licensed programs Luge, which requires:

1. Selection of students.
2. Practical and theoretical lessons in groups.
3. Individual lessons.
4. Control check-ups.
5. Competition.
6. Participation in the training camps.
7. Work with sleigh and runners.
8. Theoretical lessons of requirements and regulations.
9. The selection of perspective students.
10. Organizational and methodical work of specialists in sports training.
11 Health Check-up at sports medicine centre.



CYLSS Director

Sergejs Čevers

CYLSS coach (Ulbroka, Stopiņi)

Anna Orlova

Tel. nr. +371 29433875

MSĢ BJKSS treneris (Sigulda)

Riks Kristens Rozītis

Tel.: +371 29 388 110

 MSĢ BJKSS trenere (Ulbroka)

Vera Zozuļa

 Tel.: +371 29 467 427

MSĢ BJKSS trenere (Sigulda)

Sigita Bērziņa

Tel.: +371 20 214 356

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