Young athletes successfully compete in World Cup

Today in Germany - Winterberg track, started the 2nd World Cup for juniors. Our team represented Kristens Putins, Kendija Aparjode, Alise Evelīna Mitkus, Krišs Kārlis Matuzels, Krsiters Aparjods, Riks Kristens Rozītis.

Despite the bad weather, excellent performance, winning the 4th place in their group (A youth), today once again demonstrated Kristers Aparjods. Two-run total time for him was 1minute 28,751 seconds. Kristers to the winner Markus Hummer from Germany lost 0,707 seconds.

In turn, Kendija Aparjode, which also participates in this age group - A youth, presenting 1 minute 30.141 seconds in two run total time, won 6th place.

In doubles competition for our young athletes, Kristens Putins / Kārlis Krisš Matuzels won 11th place. Due to bad weather, second run for doubles was canceled. In their single run our boys showed time 48.483 seconds. Winners of the competition -German double Florian Löffler / Manuel Stibings who reached the finish line after 44,352 seconds.

Tomorrow on the start will go juniors- Riks Kristens Rozītis and Alise Evelīna Mitkus.

2013.12.06. 9012
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