O.Gudramovičs / P.Kalniņš- 3rd place in Nations Cup!

Today in Germany - Altenberg track was the Nations Cup for 8th Viessmann World Cup.

In doubles competition Latvian national team started with one team Oskars Gudramovičs / Pēteris Kalniņš . Crossing the finish line after 42,197 seconds, our boys won a third place and qualified for tomorrow's World Cup .

After the race Pēteris Kalniņš said: '' Yes, we had some mistakes, but we feel normal, because we have regained some confidence that we can drive . This result was very good for us, because all week in training we had good runs. Tomorrow we will try more at the start and also slide faster in the track and then it will be fine. ''

The other Latvian double Andris Šics / Juris Šics is allready qualified for the 8th Viessmann World Cup.

2014.01.17. 8507
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