It wasn't even half of the day from begining in Latvia, when the Sochi airport speakers heralded - Welcome the Latvian luge family!
While the “main actors” settles into their apartments, we recall that our and your thumb will be required at the following times :
Saturday - 02.08.2014
16:30 ( LV time ) - first run for men
18:40 (LV time) - the second run for men
Sunday - 09.02.2014
16:30 ( LV time ) - the third run for men
18:40 (LV time) - the fourth run for men
Monday - 10.02.2014
16:45 (LV time) - the first run for the ladies
18:35 (LV time) - the second run for the ladies
Tuesday - 02.11.2014
16:30 ( LV time ) - the third run for the ladies
18:20 (LV time) - the fourth run for the ladies
Wednesday - 02.12.2014
16:15 (LV time) - first run for doubles
17:45 (LV time ) - Second run for doubles
Thursday - 13.02.2014
18:15 (LV time) - team relay .
» Latvijas trešais zelts Siguldā – Robežniece un Bogdanova triumfē Junioru Pasaules kausa posmā!
» DIVI VIENĀ = DIVI SUDRABI! Latvijas juniori izcili startē Siguldā!
» Divas zelta medaļas Latvijai Siguldā: Zane Kaluma triumfē Eiropas Junioru Čempionātā!