The first photo moments from the Olympic track

Hey, hey, we have the first photo moments!!!!

Thank photography guru Ilmars Znotiņš, who is the official photographer of the XXII Olympic Winter Games from the Lok and helps us capture these moments.

The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
The first photo moments from the Olympic track
2014.02.05. 11063
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