Aiva Aparjode, a former luge slider and junior team coach:
'' As I think, in the second run, mistakes had all three our athletes. Some more, some less. Of course the weak point for Mārtiņš is the start, but as the track is quite long, it is able to recover lost at the start to the bottom.
But we still have a chance, because results from the fourth to twelfth place is very dense. The first three places are far away, and we are sure, these three athletes will split medal set. If “cataclysm” will not happen! As we think, with two good runs Māriņš has a good chance to fight for the top six! Cos' everything can happen!
Kristaps was a little scared, but thats normal, he is young and Olympics a big event for everybody. But he has a chance to improve his final time, and fight for a place in the first Fifteen. I think that more guys should obtain the inner peace like Mārtiņš and then will be fine.
Inārs has a lot of mistakes, and the result is as it should be. Olympics is Olympics, and everyone wants to do the best possible, and no one wants to have a mistakes.
I want to believe that tomorrow will be different and the result will be better . The key is to not make mistakes, because it looks like that sleds goes well.
And at the end, I can only say that I really want to have the medal and I hope it is also going to be. Competition and the winner will be known only after the fourth run.
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