In the age group ''A'' youth women, the winner is Zelma Bite ,which showed a two- run total time of 1 minute 24.407 seconds. The second fastest athlete- Anda Upīte, with a total time of 1minute 25.254 seconds,but the third place on the podium won Kate Keita Farenhorste which showed a two- run total time of 1minute 25.277 seconds.
In the age group ''B'' youth boys, on the podium top step climb Konstantīns Buglaks which showed a two- run total time of 1minute 24.810 seconds. The second fastest slider was Roberts Plume , which showed a two- run total time 1 minute 25.618 seconds, but the third place in the group won Mārtiņš Pētersons - 1 minute 30.899 seconds.
For youth women in the same age group winner is Cicjura Arina , which showed a two- run total time of l minute 15,295 seconds. On the second podium step climb Sigita Bērziņa, which showed a two- run total 1minute 15,516 seconds , the third fastest was Elīna Vītola - 1 minute 20.109 seconds.
In the age group ''C'' youth boys, unbeaten was Lūkass Krasts, which showed a two- run total time of 1 minute 13.939 seconds. Second place won Aleks Mišins, who showed time 1minute 16.479 seconds, and the third fastest was Victors Nahodkins, with a time 1minute 19.051 seconds.
In the Double's competition, this time the most fastest was Sakovičs/Vansovičs, which showed a two- run total time of 1 minute 12.183 seconds. The second strongest crew was Krauze /Karnītis, the two run total time of 1 minute 13,236 seconds, the third fastest this time-Tupe / Šļakota, which showed a two- run total time of 1minute 15.402sekundes .
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