Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known

Pagājušās nedēļas nogalē, Siguldas kamaniņu sporta un bobsleja trasē risinājās Bērnu un Jaunatnes kamaniņu sporta skolas kausa izcīņas otrā kārta. Šoreiz šīs bija atklātās sacensības, jo tajās piedalījās arī jaunie atlēti no Gruzijas un Kazahstānas.

Jauniešiem A vecuma grupā uzvaras laurus plūca atlēts no Gruzijas Peradze Lasha, kurš aiz sevis atstāja mājiniekus Robertu Plūmi un Edgaru Karnīti.

Jaunietēm A vecuma grupā medaļu komplekts tika sadalīts starp mājiniecēm. Uz goda pjedestāla augstākā pakāpiena stājās Zelma Bite, otrajā vietā palika Anda Upīte, bet trešā ātrākā bija Elīna Zurzdiņa.

Savukārt jauniešiem un jaunietēm B vecuma grupā uzvaras laurus plūca  Bērziņš Gints un Zukule Marta.

Divvietīgo ekipāžu konkurencē junioriem nepārspēti palika Kristaps Krauze/Edgars Stalts, kuri apsteidza Akseli Tupi/ Kasparu Šļahotu. Trešie ātrākie izrādījās Mārtiņš Bots/Konstantīns Buglaks.

Jaunietēm C vecuma grupā ātrākā bija Kaluma Zane, kura apsteidza Aneti Actiņu un Selīnu Zvilni. Jauniešiem šajā pašā vecuma grupā pirmo vietu izcīnīja Fēliks Grantiņš.             


Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
Winners of the 2. CYLSS Cup are known
2016.02.03. 10808
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