One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport

Latvian luge history, similar to bobsleigh, basketball and many other sports in our national history, can not be written in one brochure or even book.

This is history that lives with the time. Every day we learn something new. And for that we should thank our contemporaries.

During the development of this page not only the hero participated and her family, but also bobsled specialist Gatis Guts, who we would like to thank for the fact that he introduced us to Maiga Spure son Ivars Spuris.

While Ivars was paging his family archive box, he came across valuable entire photo information about the development of Latvian luge.

Former luge rider Maiga Spure participated in Cesis luge track construction. For sorts community that construction is more known as Cirulisi track.

Ivars says that back then he at a young age also participated in construction work. The most memorable moment is sauna, which was owned by a man, who lived not far from the track. He spent there many nights between the heavy construction work days and later during competitions, he came by to visit it.

Maiga Spure represented RGKK at the competition - Riga and meat canning factory. Participated in singles as well as in doubles together with Juta, unfortunately we do not know the last name. At one of the races, young athletes experienced a heavy fall and serious injury, and had to quit the sport. However, it did not kill the enthusiasm and love for the sport and she made luge sleds for her son, named "Zilite".

In 1973, when Maiga said goodbye to us, one of the curves in Cesis track was named after her.

One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
One page in the history of Latvian Luge sport
2016.08.17. 13245
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