Bronze in Junior World Cup in Altenberg

Good news received from Altenberg, Germany. Our Junior team achieved good results in first day of World Cup for juniors. 

Sister and brother Aparjods took 6rd and 3rd places respectively in Youth A group. For Kristers this is trully good achievement. Bronze in competition with 33 other athletes is really excelent achievement. Winner Gleirscher from Austria had a great run and Kristers was half a second behind. 

In doubles competition our team Putins/Matuzels  finished 9th out of 12 luges. 

Today starts Juniors Rozītis Riks Kristens and Mitkus Alise Evelīna. Best of luck. 


Bronze in Junior World Cup in Altenberg
Bronze in Junior World Cup in Altenberg
Bronze in Junior World Cup in Altenberg
2013.11.30. 10710
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