Whistler - Canada started 4th Viessmann World Cup in Luge.
The men's competition, the Latvian team started with three athletes - Martiņs Rubenis, Inars Kivlenieks and Kristaps Mauriņš.
Among members of 31, the best of the Latvia was Kristaps Mauriņš which showed a total time of 1minute 37.857 seconds and won 20th place. He was 1.171 seconds slower than 4th World Cup winner Felix Loham from Germany, which showed a two-run total time of 1minute 36,686 seconds. InarsKivlenieks with a total time 1 minute of 37,969 seconds, ranked in 22th place,
but for Martiņš Rubenis this competiton was completely unsuccessful. In two-run total time 1 minute 38.050 seconds ranked in 25th place this time.
Tonight race continues ladies and the team relay. To the start in ladies race will compete only Eliza Tiruma, because Ulla Zirne as well as Artūrs Dārznieks, did not qualify for this race.
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