1st place for Riks Kristens Rozītis in Winterberg!

With the junior performance in Germany- Winterberg, finished 2nd stage of the World Cup for juniors and youth.

Today to the start went 19 juniors, among them was also our new luge racer Riks Kristens Rozītis, who in two-run total time of 1minute 46,477 seconds stayed unbeaten.

During their first run Riks showed the second best time- 53,253 seconds, yielding only to athlete from Germany Tony Gref, who had time of 53,148 seconds. The second run for Rozītis was a little bit faster- 53,224 seconds, which also allowed him to establish themselves as a leader.

Alise Evelīna Mitkus won the 13th. She had a two-run total time of 1minute 57576 seconds. She was 2.471 seconds slower then Angelika Fleisher, winner from Germany.

2013.12.07. 8950
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