Today was the “President's Cup” in Sigulda for youth. In spite of the cold weather at the start went 56 younr athletes in age of 9 to 17 years. All members fought very good!
In category youth A, the first prize won Gunārs Bergs (MSĢ), ahead of Ralfs Bērziņš (BJKSS). The third place won MSĢ Representative Kristaps Krauze.
In the average age group - Youth B,the absolute leader was Edgars Karnītis from team MSĢ, second place won Roberts Plūme and third place- Konstanīns Buglaks- both BJKSS.
The youngest boys - youth C, all BJKSS representatives. First place for Lūkas Krasts, Artūrs Gruzdulis Borovjs second, but third Viktors Nahodkins.
For girls was only two age groups in the “Presiden's Cup”, because youth A is traveling arbroad competing in juniors World Cups.
In group youth B women, B. Elīna Žurzdiņa was the fastest, second best- Kate Keita Farnehorstie (both MSĢ), in third place leaving ElĪna Vītola from BJKSS.
Also youth C girls showed excellent results. First place Vilma Ose, second place Emīlija Skrastiņa, third Rūta Janovska. All the girls are students of BJKSS.
For Double teams was a fierce battle for the “President's Cup”. Were rent even sports equipment, but colleagues came to rescue and lent his own, which is a commendable action for young athletes. First Place - Kristaps Krauze / Valters Knēts (MSĢ), second place for Aksels Tupe / Kapars Šļahota and the third for Emīls Tupe / Alekss Vanzovičs.
We will see our young athletes again in Latvian Cup series, which will take place on December 21 in Sigulda!
For detailed results, please see the section - Results / juniors / President's Cup youth.
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