Today the track in Lillehammer - Norway, hosted the 3rd World Cup for Juniors, the first competition day. On startu went youth men and women, as well as juniors double teams.
Excellent performance showed Kristers Aparjods again, after two runs with total time of 1minute 37,549 seconds, he was the fastest of all 26 contenders and won 1st place.
Kendija Aparjode presenting a two-run total time of 1minute 51,835 second, ranked 8th. The competition winner Julia Naumova from Russia was 4,258 seconds faster.
Our double team Kristens Putins / Kārlis Krišs Matuzels with the result 1minute 40,057 seconds, ranked 5th. The winners- Thomas Stoijam / Lorenc Koller of Austria, losing 3.029 seconds.
Tomorrow will start the juniors - Riks Kristebs Rozītis Alise Elevīna Mitkus.
The competition will close with the teams. Latvija will compete with the team Alise Evelīna Mitkus, Kristers Aparjods and double crew Kristens Putins / Kārlis Krišs Matuzels.
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