Latvian cup in Sigulda

On 20. – 21. of december in Sigulda will compete all best Latvian athletes in Latvian Cup 2014.

Side to side with adult athletes will compete Juniors, Youth A, B, C and D groups.

Man competition starting list: Mārtiņš Rubenis, Inārs Kivlenieks, Kristaps Mauriņš, Artūrs Dārznieks and our best junior Riks Kristens Rozītis.
Last year won Martiņš Rubenis followed by Inārs Kivlenieks and Kristaps Mauriņš. Best of Juniors was Riks Kristens Rozītis.

Woman competition starting list: Last years champion Elīza Tīruma vs Ulla Zirne, Kendija Aparjode, Alise Evelīna Mitkus and Paula Ābelīte

Juniors last year champion was Ulla Zirne followed by Saiva Dambīte and Kendija Aparjode

With our Olympic team members Andris Šics/Juris Šics, Oskars Gudramovičs/Pēteris Kalniņš along as third team will be Juniors Kristens Putins / Kārlis Krišs Matuzels.

Youth A starting list consists of 9 athletes among them Kristers Aparjods. Kristers has very good results in World Cup for Juniors. Youth A for girls will be 3 athletes. All other youth groups has more then 30 athletes ready to fight for medals.

Event Schedule:

December 20th
14:00 2 training runs Man, Juniors, Woman, Junior girls, Youth A, doubles
15.00 2 training runs Youth girls A,B
15:30 2 training runs Youth girls B, Youth C,D, Youth doubles
17:00 Draw

Deceber 21st
14.00 1st & 2nd Competition race Man, Juniors, Woman, Junior girls, Youth A, doubles
15.00 1st & 2nd Competition race Youth girls A,B
15:30 1st & 2nd Competition race Youth girls B, Youth C,D, Youth doubles
17:00 Award ceremony

2013.12.18. 11070
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