Such a decision has been made based on the fact tha we have lack of snow int Latvia, so winter sports competitions is not possible. The cold in Latvia might be only in late January , but the first permanent snow only in February . Prepare the biathlon , cross-country and alpine skiing trails, as well as skating and ice hockey fields in such a short time is not possible. Also, please note that most of the athletes who had planned to participate in the race this season training process have not participated in sufficient quantities .
Next Latvian Youth Winter Olympics are scheduled for 2015., the 5th and 6th February.
In Year 1992. took place the first Latvian Latvian Youth Olympic for summer sports, but two years later - in 1994. also winter sports. Everything was based on the Olympic tradition- opening and closing ceremony, Olympic torch and the Olympic flag hoisting .
In 2002., “Latvian Youth Olympic Day” transformed into “Latvian Youth Olympics” for summer and winter sports.