5th place for brothers Šics in " Sprint Cup"

In “Sprint Cup” started all athletes that were submitted for participation in the 7th Viessmann World Cup , and each of them had one run. On the basis of the results , removing the strongest World Cup luge sliders was also set Nations Cup winners or athletes who qualified for the 7th Viessmann World Cup.

The fastest run, among 26 Doubles was for team from Germany Eggert/ Benecken with the time 44,249 seconds they also showed a new track record.
Fastest of the Latvian team was Andris Šics / Juris Šics with the time 44,738 and ranked 5th , but Oskars Gudramovičs / Pēteris Kalniņš after crossing the finish line in 50.350 seconds ranked 23rd .
On the basis of the results of the competition , minus the World Cup strongest athletes, which include the A.Šica / J.Šica double , in 7th Viessmann World Cup of Latvia will compete only one of our doubles . Oskars Gudramovičs / Pēteris Kalniņš unfortunately did not qualify.

In Men's competition the strongest of the Latvian team was Inārs Kivlenieks, his run was 46,670 seconds and he ranked 7th . Mārtiņš Rubenis with the time 46,716 seconds was right after Inārs, Kristaps Mauriņš with a time 47,076 seconds ranked 22th place. Our yongest athlete Artūrs Dārznieks finished 32nd with a time 47,518 seconds.
The winner of the “Sprint Cup” in men's competition was Andi Langenhan from Germany, who finished after 46,179 seconds .

From our team, for the 7th Viessmann World Cup, qualified Inārs Kivlenieks, Mārtiņš Rubenis and Kristaps Mauriņš.

In Ladies competition this time Latvia was represented only with Elīza Tiruma, because Ulla Zirne is in Latvia and preparing for tomorrow's start of the 35th European Junior Championship.
Among 36 competitors, Elīza, with the time 45.880 seconds, “Spirnta Cup” finish with the place 26th and unfortunately did not qualify for 7th World Cup.
The winner of the “Sprint Cup'' was Tatjana Hüfner from Germany, with the result 44,483 seconds she showed a new track record.

2014.01.10. 8057
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