Riks Kristens Rozīts 8th in 5th Junior World Cup

In Junior competition on the starting line among 24 other young athletes went out also our Riks Kristens Rozītis. This time he was not so good like in Sigulda and presenting a two run total time of 1 minute 40,237 seconds Rozītis won 8th place.

Our Junior girl, Alise Evelīna Mitkus today had to fight with 15 other athletes. Unfortunately, Alise made ​​mistakes in the second run and did not finish.

5th Junior World Cup men (25 athletes)

1st Frauscher Armin (AUT) - 1:38.568
2nd Toni Graf (GER) - 1:38.820
3rd Repilov Roman (RUS) - 1:39.114
8th Riks Kristens Rozītis (LAT) - 1:40.237


2014.01.19. 7984
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