Our Mātiņš Rubenis won 2nd place in Nations Cup race, the winner Johannes Ludwig of Germany was 0,079 seconds faster then him, but 3rd place this time for Russian athlete Alexander Peretjagins ( +0.163 ) .
Kristaps Mauriņš ranked 16th, Artūrs Dārznieks 19th, but Roberts Millers 29th among 30 athletes competing .
In "Latvia Travel Sprint Cup" Mārtiņš won 3rd place, winner Johannes Ludwig from Germany, but 2nd- Canadian athlete Samuel Edney ( +0.045 ) .
Inārs Kivlenieks ranked 7th, 26th Kristaps Mauriņš, Artūrs Dārznieks 29th, while Roberts Millers 39th among 40 athletes competing .
After finishing Mārtiņš Rubenis summarizing the results of today says : "Looking at today's run and the process of preparation, I should be said that the view of the European Championships is a good and promising, I still have a reserve. I'd like to believe it will be possible to make two good runs and hope that my place will be higher. While I'm not the first, there is always a reserve."
Mārtiņš Rubenis, Kristaps Mauriņš and Artūrs Dārznieks qualified for the 9th Viessmann World Cup stage, which will take place on Sunday.
Nations Cup ( 40 athletes )
1st Johannes Ludwig ( Germany ) 50.385
2nd Mārtiņš Rubenis ( Latvia ) +0.079
3rd Peretjagins Alexander (Russia ) +0.163
... 16th Kristaps Mauriņš +0.725
19.Artūrs Dārznieks +0.779
29.Roberts Millers ( all Latvia ) +2.924 .
Nations Cup Standings
1.Semjons Pavlichenko (Russia ) 405 points
2.Inārs Kivlenieks ( Latvia ) 398 points
3.Ludvigs Johannes ( Germany ) 385 points
13.Kristaps Mauriņš 245 points
24.Mārtiņš Rubenis 202 points
34.Artūrs Dārznieks 122 points
58.Roberts Millers ( all Latvia ) 12 points .
“Latvia Travel Sprint Cup” ( 40 athletes )
1st Johannes Ludwig ( Germany ) 50.385
2nd Samuel Edney ( Canada ) +0.045
3rd Mārtiņš Rubenis +0.079
... 7th Inārs Kivlenieks +0.140
26th Kristaps Mauriņš +0.725
29.Artūrs Dārznieks +0.779
39.Roberts Millers ( all Latvia ) +2.924 .
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