European championship winner the Russian athlete Natalia Koreva, second Tatyana Ivanova, and 3rd place Dajana Eitberger from Germany.
The best of our athletes was Eliza Tīruma, which won the 7th place, Ulla Zirne ranked 15th of 17 athletes on the list.
Eliza's comment at the finish: " Always can be better, but was not bad. The track is fast, so the problems with the 15th curve were yesterday. Today, I “pulled” myself together and was much better. I am happy of my result but as I said- always can be better. The weather is also not really good for our sleds. "
In turn, Ulla Zirne said that her performance today was good, even if she had small problem in 1st run, both runs were close to her personal best results.
9th Viesmann World Cup
Winner of this World Cup was athlete from U.S. Kate Hansen, Canadian Alex Gough 2nd place, 3rd Russian athlete Natalia Koreva .
Our Eliza Tīruma ranked in 11th place, but Ulla Zirne 21st place.
European Championship (17 athletes )
1st Koreva Natalia (Russia ) 1:24,155
2nd Tatiana Ivanova (Russia ) +0.170
3rd Dajana Eitbergere ( Germany ) +0.289
... 7th Eliza Tīruma ( Latvia ) +0.457
15.Ulla Zirne +1.302
9th Viessmann World Cup
1st Kate Hansen ( USA) 1:23,976
2nd Alex Gough ( Canada ) +0.076
3rd Natalia Koreva (Russia ) +0.179
11th Elīza Tīruma ... ( Latvia ) +0.636
21st Ulla Zirne +1.481 .
World Cup Standings
1st Natalie Geisenberger ( Germany ) 785 points
2nd Alex Gough ( Canada ) 626 points
3rd Tatjana Hufner ( Germany ) 551 points
15th Elīza Tīruma ( Latvia ) 230 points
26th Ulla Zirne ( Latvia ) 138 points
48th Paula Ābele ( Latvia ) 12 points
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