Elīza, Mārtiņ, Andri and Juri, thank you!
With your excellent start, the big sport event in Sigulda is over.
European champions in the team relay became Russia, with Natalie Khoreva , Albert Demchenko, Vladislav Juzhakov and Vladimir Makhutin! They were only 0.0350 seconds ahead of our own team- Elīza Tīruma, Mārtiņš Rubenis, Andris and Juris Šics. European Championships bronze won the Italian team with Sandra Gasparini, Armin Zoggler, Christian Oberschtolz and Patrick Gruber.
After finishing Andris Šics acknowledged that competitors were very strong, as it was demonstrated by yesterday's and today's results. Our athletes and coaches thanked the entire team for the excellent prepared sleds and faith in their own.
Now it's time to get ready for the Games!
European Championships (9 teams )
1st Natalia Khoreva / Albert Demchenko / Vladislav Juzhakov / Makhutin Vladimir (Russia ) 2:13,485
2nd Eliza Tīruma / Mārtiņš Rubenis / Andris Šics / Juris Šics ( Latvia ) +0.350
3rd Sandra Gasparini / Armin Zoggler / Christian Oberschtolz / Patrick Gruber ( Italy ) +0.362
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