The first on the start line went 40 junior mens, among them alos three our young luge racers - Riks Kritens Rozītis, Kristers Aparjods and Edgars Karnītis .
In not very thankful weather contitions ( rain ) , today's best start of Latvians was for Riks Kristens Rozītis- presenting a two- run total time of 1 minute 41,694 seconds he was the 5th fastest in World Championships. Kristers Aparjods in their first World Championship race, presenting a two- run total time of 1 minute 42,906 seconds ranked 18th, but Edgars Karnītis 32nd.
Junior team athletes representing such Latvian authorities: Kristers Aparjods (Saulkrasti county) , Riks Kristens Rozītis (Sigulda district), Edgars Karnītis (Sēja county) .
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