As the first on the start line went 16 doubles, which included the Latvian boys Kristens Putins / Kārlis Krišs Matuzels.
After a Two-run total time of 1 minute 22,531 seconds, being 1.203 seconds slower then the winners Steu Thomas / Koller Lorenz from Austria, our crew won the 6th place in the World Championship.
Latvian team relay team won comfortable 4th place. Victory in the relay this time for the home team - Austria.
Junior team athletes representing such Latvian authorities:
Kendija Aparjode (Saulkrastu county)
Kristers Aparjods (Saulkrastu county)
Riks Kristens Rozītis (Sigulda district)
Ulla Zirne (Sigulda district)
Anda Upīte (Sējas county)
Edgars Karnītis (Sējas county)
Alise Evelīna Mitkus (Riga)
Kārlis Krišs Matuzels (Riga)
Kristens Putins (Ropaži).
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