And this year Latvian champions are...

The first on the start in the Latvian Championship went men. This year nine athletes - last year's champion Mārtiņš Rubenis, Inārs Kivlenieks, Kristaps Mauriņš, Artūrs Dārznieks, Ritvars Šteins, Imants Marcinkevičs and juniors Riks Kristens Rozītis, Roberts Millers and Ernesta Rudzītis.

The fastest in the first run was Olympian Mārtiņš Rubenis - 49.462 seconds. Second fastest was Inārs Kivlenieks 49.523 seconds, and the third position after the first run took junior Riks Kristens Rozītis - 49.762 seconds.
4th Artūrs Dārznieks - 49,784 seconds
5th Kristaps Mauriņš- 49,966 seconds
6th Roberts Millers - 51,652 seconds
7th Imants Marcinkevičs - 54,879 seconds
8th Ernest Rudzītis - 55,627 seconds
9th Ritvars Šteins - DNF

… and there was no big changes in the second run. The fastest man in Siguldas Luge track- Mārtiņš Rubenis presented a two run total time of 1minute 39,432 seconds and won the Latvian championship. Inārs Kivlenieks was the second best in the second run too, his final time after two runs, 1minute 39.621 seconds, the third fastest, just as in the first run was junior Riks Kristens Rozītis, presenting a two run total time - 1minute 40.098 seconds. Riks Kristens Rozītis won not just 3rd place in senior group, but also 1st place in juniors!

Latvian Championship :
1st Mārtiņš Rubenis- 1minute 39,432 seconds
2nd Inārs Kivlenieks - 1minute 39,621 seconds
3rd Riks Kritens Rozītis - 1minute 40.098 seconds
4th Kristaps Mauriņš - 1minute 40,211 seconds
5th Artūrs Dārznieks - 1minute 40,476 seconds
6th Roberts Millers - 1minute 44,131 seconds
7th Imants Marcinkevičs - 1minute 49,580 seconds

Latvian junior championship :
1st Riks Kristens Rozītis - 1minute 40.098 seconds
2nd Roberts Millers - 1minute 44,131 seconds
3rd Imants Marcinkevičs - 1minute 49,580 seconds

In the Ladies singles competitions, unfortunately, we did not see the Olympians Elīza Tīruma, the Latvian champion of the last year, and Ulla Zirne, both athletes are ill. But this does not mean that the events in the track was boring.

In the first run the fastest was Junior Alise Evelīna Mitkus - 43.566 seconds. The second fastest was Aiva Aparjode - 43.626, but Kendija Aprjode, with a time 43,851 seconds, was the third fastest.
4th Paula Ābele- 44,584 seconds
5th Saiva Dambīte - 44,860 seconds

The second run was very interesting, because experience took over the age and the fastest who crossed the finish line was Aiva Aparjode, which showed a two run total time of 1minute 27.592sekundes and won the Latvian championship! Alise Evelīna Mitkus, who was fastest in the first run, in the second run lost her trainer. Her two run total time 1minute 27.638sekundes. Third fastest in Latvia- Kendija Aparjode

Latvian Championship :
1st Aiva Aparjode - 1minute 27.592sekundes
2nd Alise Evelīna Mitkus - 1minute 27.638sekundes
3rd Knedija Aparjode - 1minute 28,058 seconds
4th Saiva Dambīte - 1minute 29,738 seconds
5th Paula Ābele - 1minute 30,606 seconds

Latvian junior championship:
1st Alise Evelīna Mitkus - 1minute 27.638sekundes
2nd Kendija Aparjode - 1minute 28,058 seconds
3rd Paula Ābele - 1minute 30,606 seconds

In Double's competitions the Sochi Olympic bronze medalist Andris and Juris Šics was not only the fastest in his first run - 43.032 seconds, but also in the two run total time, 1minute 26.255 seconds, Oskars Gudramovičs / Pēteris Kalniņš crossed the finish line after 1 minute 28.135 seconds and won 2nd place, but the third was Kristens Putins/ Zintis Šaicāns - 1minute 28.507 seconds.

In the age group ''A'' youth boys, the best after first run was Ralfs Bērziņš - 43.346 seconds. In second place after the first run were two athletes- Gunārs Bergs and Kristers Aparjods. Both athletes showed identical results - 43.791 seconds.
The second run was very interesting becouse everybody wanted to know, who will be the second place winner. This time, nerves were stronger for Kristers Aparjods who, presenting a two- run total time of 1minute 27,557 seconds, won the second place and left behind Gunārs Bergs, who, presenting a two run total time of 1minute 28,192 seconds, won the third place.

Latvian youth championship ''A'' age group.
1st Ralfs Bērziņš - 1minute 27.232 seconds.
2nd Kristers Aparjods - 1minute 27,557 seconds
3rd Gunārs Bergs - 1minute 28,192 seconds
4th Edgars Karnītis - 1minute 28,882 seconds
5th Kristaps Krauze - 1minute 29,071 seconds
6th Edgars Stalts - 1minute 29,509 seconds
7th Jānis Adamsons - 1minute 30,854 seconds
8th Andis Andrejonoks - 1minute 31,324 seconds
9th Mārtiņš Bots - 1minute 34,495 seconds
10th Valters Knets - 1minute 47,362 seconds

Competition will continue tomorrow with the a ''A'' group of youth girls, as well as the ''B'' ,''C'' and ''D'' age groups.


2014.03.08. 8900
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