Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home

Vakar mājās no II Pasaules Jaunatnes ziemas Olimpiskajām spēlēm atgriezās Latvijas delegācija.

Latvijai šīs spēles bija ļoti veiksmīgas, jo kopumā tika izcīnītas 5 medaļas. Zeltu komandai atnesa kamaniņu braucējs Pasaules vicečempions Kristers Aparjods.  Divas godalgas  - sudraba un bronzas nopelnīja daiļslidotājs Deniss Vasiļjevs. Arī mūsu vienīgā daiļslidotāja Diāna Ņikitina mājās atveda sudraba godalgu. To viņa izcīnīja komandu sacensībās. Savukārt šorttrekists Kārlis Krūzbergs mājās pārveda bronzas medaļu.

Lidostā sagaidīt medaļniekus bija ieradušies ne tikai tuvinieki un fani, bet arī mediju pārstāvji. Kristers Aparjods saņēma speciālbalvu no LKSF lielākajiem atbalstītājiem Philips.


Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
Gold medalist of II Winter Youth Olympic games has arrived back home
2016.02.23. 10120
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