Subaru official dealer in Latvian AD REM AUTO, granting the car Subaru Legacy STW until spring of 2015 and continues to support the Latvian luge sport.
The car will be used in the daily work of the Federation, as well as for the European Championships organizing committee needs.
45th FIL European Championships in Sigulda Luge track will take place 20.01.2014. - 01.26.2014. At the same time held the Viessmann World Cup stage 9 / finals.
AD REM Auto Agent Maris Ile willingness to support the luge is explained by the fact that:'' AD REM auto” owned siguldas resident. Also, many luge racers are from Sigulda. Subaru is a true winter car while sledding sport - a real winter activity. Subaru always bound to the same speed as the luge. And our people will be supported, because only together we are a force.''
At the same time we informe that November is the month when every “AD REM auto” visitors Riga, 246 Brīvības iela, will be able to view the luge poster exhibition. Latvian luge will be reflected in a century - from the Soviet Union era to the present day.
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