Start push competition "President Cup"

The idea of the race belongs to Latvian Luge Federation (LKSF) President Atis Stranga. '' When Sigulda built new starting rump, we decided to use it for- both training and competition process. One thing is for training to work off, but the other - to make the race atmosphere. We decided to name the competitions the “President's Cup'' , in parallel we work on attracting sponsors to the tournament. Perhaps in the near future, competitons will be renamed in honor of one of the sponsors,'' said Mr. Strenga.

The goal is not to win a trophy, but to check yourself how ready you are for the new season.'' Previous years have shown that race as a training element, in preparation for the new season, has justified itself. The achieved results improved. The same growth expectations is this year. It is some satisfaction not only for athletes, but also for coaches, because we see that our training methodology is correct,'' added LKSF president.

In 2012, the “President's Cup'' won Inārs Kivlenieks in man's competitions, second place for Kristaps Mauriņš and the third was the fastest junior Artūrs Dārznieks. Ladies fastest Eliza Tīruma, leaving behind her sister Maija Tīruma. The fastest junior girl was Saiva Dambīte, but Doubles competition convincing victory for brothers Šici.

2013.10.21. 10298
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