Birth date - 05.09.1955.
Birth place - Ranka, Gaujienas novads
Education - LVFKI (tagad LSPA) augstākā pedagoģiskā.
Learners - Visai Latvijas Nacionālās kamaniņu sporta izlases sportisti
Learners achivements - Godalgotas vietas ZOS un Pasaules čempionātos
Goals - Murjāņu Sporta ģimnāzijā izveidot kamaniņu sporta centru
Motto - Ja dari, tad līdz galam!
Work start date - 01.01.1976.
Hobbies - Auto un dārzkopība.
Seeing the excitement that radiates from Aivars, someone who's unaware, would certainly say that he's from Piebalga. And you know what? It wouldn't be far from the truth, because Aivars is from Ranka, which is next to Jaunpiebalga. Everyone there is as exicted as him:)
Would it be those hot summers, doing little farm works, and finding refreshment in river Gauja, that made him like to rustle in his little garden?