Juniors after three stages

Riks Kristens Rozītis - I can beat anyone

During the last six weeks and especially after victory in Winterberg I realised that I can compete with all opponents. And it is not that important do I like the track or not. All opponents has grown and improved which is good. Its makes you feel pressure and work harder. I am very happy about the fact that I can compete with Austrian slider Armin Frauscher.
In last World cup in Lillehammer whether was beautiful - it was sunny and -5 degrees celsius. Ice was really fast and i like speed. Although last part of track is till mystery for me. I just can’t find the way how to gain speed there.

Kendija Aparjode - I’m fighter

Tracks are really different. I compare all three we were this season Konigsee, Altenberg and Igls and Konigsee is most complicated for me. Maybe it's because I was first time there. In each track there are tricky point you have to work through them. In Konigsee i just couldn't find my path. It was second time in Igls form me and track itself is more “sleep-and-ride” as opposite to Konigsee. So I believe I worked it through in Igls quite good. When it comes to Altenberg I don’t really liked this track at the beginning but then I got the point and now I can ride properly on this track as well.
It is obvious that every athlete already has an aim in this sport. When it comes to team effort I like Russian team they have coach in every curve so after each run you have complete report about your lines, mistakes etc.
I don’t know do i like it or not but in Latvian luge team is very small competition at least among the girls. For me there is no competition to be in national team. It doesn’t mean I don’t fight, I have my own aim and I’m m improving myself to reach it. After six weeks I feel more comfortable at the start. I can compare my results. I like my fight with my own progress. In Igls last year i had 2.2 sec. comparing to 2.17 this year. It’s great.

Alise Evelīna Mitkus - our coaches are the best.

In my opinion Insbruck is easy track. Koenigsee is hardest and Altenberg follow. But you have to learn how to slide in every track. If we are looking at the atmosphere in track then besides the fact that we are competitors we are friendly to each other. My recent crash just shows how friendly are luge athletes. When I crashed at one of the runs I had to walk up all the way to start carrying my sled. Russian coach took my sled and helped me. Nice touch.

Juniors after three stages
Juniors after three stages
2013.12.17. 11077
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