Last week was the international training week, but today begins official trainigs.
In Sigulda is not arrived only “big luge nations”, but also the young “fighters” from Turkey , Czech Republic, Slovakia , bringing a total of more than a hundred participants.
Latvia will take part in this race with ar big team- 17 athletes.
High hopes we would like to put on our strongest junior men- Riks Kristens Rozītis and Ulla Zirne, as well as Kendija Aparjode and Kristers Aparjods form the youth group.
For juniors will also compete Roberts Millers , Alise Evelīna Mitkus and Paula Ābelīte . But for group young A, will also take part in competitions Gunārs Bergs , Ralfs Bērziņš and Edgara Karnītis . In group youth A girls, to the start will go Anda Upīte, Kate Keita Fārenhorste and Zelma Bite .
Our doubles in competition will start with three teams. Junior team sliders Kristens Putins / Kārlis Krišs Matuzels, Kristers Krauze / Valters Knets , Ričards Sakovičs / Ralfs Vanzovičs and Aleks Tupe / Kaspars Šlakota.
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