K.Mauriņš:'' It is important to be in group A''

Among 32 mans first of ours who went to the start was Kristaps Mauriņš crossing the finish line after 44,195 seconds and ranked in 17th place .

The first part of the track in first run for our Mārtņš Rubenis, was not so fast, 44.070 seconds the finish time and 11th place, but for Inārs Kivlenieks good first run and the higest result from latvians- 44.016 and 9th place.

In the second run Kristaps Mauriņš improved their performance. His run was 0.325 seconds faster then the frist one! With the finish time 43.870 seconds and a two- run total time 1minute 28,065 seconds, he ranked 11th.

His performance today Kristaps commented : '' The second run I succeeded far better in the start and also the whole run was much better then the first one. Overall, I am satisfied. It is important to be on “A” starting group for Sochi. The ice quality in the race was better than in training, when the air temperature was +10 degrees and a lot of frost. ''

The second run for Mārtiņš Rubenis was also faster-43,901 seconds and a two- run total time, 1minute 27.971sekundes, this result gave him 8th place in the World Cup.

Inārs Kivlenieks, unfortunately had some mistakes in the second run and with the time - 44.057 seconds and two- run total time- 1minute 28,073 seconds he fell down to the 12th place .

7th Viessmann World Cup for men ( 32 participants)

1. Felix Loch (GER ) - 1:26.957
2. Andi Langenhan (GER ) - 1:27.152
3. Julian von Schleinitz (GER ) - 1:27.523

8. Martin Grouse - 1:27.971
11.Kristaps Lawn - 1:28.065
12. Inārs Kivlenieks - 1:28.073


2014.01.12. 8677
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