4th place for Latvian team in relay

Team Latvia in raley was represented by - Ulla Zirne, Mārtiņš Rubenis and Oskars Gudramovičs / Pēteris Kalniņš.

Among 12 teams, Latvian team with the time 2 minutes 27,510 seconds won 4th place. Winners- Russian team,Tatiana Ivanova, Albert Demchenko, Vladislav Yuzhakov/ Makhnutin Vladimir.

The best of our team today was Ulla Zirne - 5th fastest among the girls and this is very good for our young athlete!

8th Viessmann World Cup relay ( 12 teams )

1st Russia - 2:25.570

2nd Canada - 2:26.191

3rd Germany - 2:26.303

4th Latvia - 2:27.510

Already today, the team will hit the road to Latvia - Sigulda, where in next weekend will take place 9th Viessmann World Cup- final and 45th European Championships.

2014.01.19. 8488
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