Latvian National luge team athletes- Eliza Cauce, Ulla Zirne, Riks Kristens Rozitis, Arturs Darznieks, Kristaps Maurins, Inars Kivlenieks and doubles Andris Sics/Juris Sics, Oskars Gudramovics/Peteris Kalnins, Kristens Putins/Karlis Kriss Matuzels have left for the first training on ice in Europe.
First stop, where they will have training 28.10.2015 until 01.11.2015., will be Igls track in Austria. Then the team, except Andris Sics/Juris Sics (brothers will return to Latvia) will head for Germany, where they will get to know Oberhof track 01.11.2015.-06.11.2015., Winterberg track 06.11.2015.-09.11.2015. and Altenberg track 09.11.2015.-12.11.2015. After this trip the national team will return home for a short rest and then will compete at the first Viessmann World Cup on November 28 in Igls, Austria.
Along with the team on the road are head coach Kaspars Dumpis, coach Janis Liepa and mechanic Sandris Berzins, as well as the doctor Zane Kruze.
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