Our Olympic team candidates, Elīza Tīruma, Ulla Zirne, Saiva Dambīte, Juris Šics, Andris Šics, Mārtiņš Rubenis, Artūrs Dārznieks, Pēteris Kalniņš, Oskars Gudramovičs, Inārs Kivlenieks, Kristapa Mauriņš and Riks Kristens Rozītis, with coaches and team support staff,went to the first ice training week for this season in Norway.
As we report, the camp will take place in Lillehammer track , the only track in Scandinavia .
Sled in the suitcase.
Mārtiņš Rubenis told us, that his main task of this camp is to provide a full set of the sled. How to recall the feeling of ice? ''Lillehammer track seems easy for me. Yes, in some way, it is a peculiar track. There is relatively high speed but, in the same time, low pressure on ice. So, the sled all time is in the flight position. You must slide very accuartely'' says Mārtiņš.
we have to improve our skills
Our leading double crew are sure that this training week will show if the summer work was good and they also have to test many innovations in their equipment. '' To Lillehamer we are going to test all we have for the next season.'' : adds Juris Šics.
any one has a task
Peteris Cīmanis, which is our head coach, said that the trainig week has one task - get used to the new sleds. '' If something does not go smoothly with the new sleigh, athlete must return to the old one. During the taining week, we will participate in Lillehammer Cup, which, by the way, last year we brought to Latvia, '' adds the coach.
There was a reason why we choose this track for the trainings. As we have reported, then a month later - on November 10th, there will begin Viessmann World Cup 1st stage. And as Cīmanis told us: '' to make trainigs in Norway is very good, because athletes can have more runs than just the official race trainings. ''
And still it should be noted that during the training week, together with our athletes, will be “LOV” professionals - a doctor Zane Krūze and a physiotherapist Agris Potašs.
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